Columbiformes (doves and pigeons) are remarkable among the bird world in that the parents produce a substance called "crop milk". The crop wall undergoes changes while the parents are incubating their eggs so that upon hatching, the squabs can be fed a high protein, high fat material composed mainly of material shed from the parents' crop walls. As the squab mature, their need for this material decreases and eventually disappears, leaving the squab with nutritional needs like those of parrots. During this time the parents’ crop walls return to normal.
Use this formula from day one to 7-14 days, as a crop-milk replacer. After 7-14 days (7 days for the smaller species, up to 14 days for the larger species), gradually switch from Squab Formula to Formula 3 over a 1-2 day period, increasing the proportion of Formula 3 a small amount at each meal. Do not give additional vitamin or mineral supplements. Squab Formula may also be used as a handfeeding formula or tube feeding formula in insectivores being rehabilitated.